


The Institute of Education (IoE) is a college of the federal University of London. With over 6000 postgraduate students and 800 staff, it is the largest postgraduate centre for the study of education in the United Kingdom and one of the leading graduate schools of education in the world. IoE is highly rated by the UK Government for the quality of initial teacher education programmes, including their work in music and in mathematics. The Institute has an extensive portfolio of continuing professional development programmes, all at Masters level, for serving teachers.

The International Music Education Research Centre at the IoE is one of the leading centres in Europe for research into Music Education (broadly conceived). The iMerc Director is Professor Graham Welch, who leads a team of researchers investigating aspects of musical behaviour and development across the lifespan, including research for the EC, UK Research Councils, major UK charities and UK Government. Recent research has focused on the other-than-musical benefits of engaging with music, including literacy, social inclusion and health.




This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.