


The University of Prešov in Prešov, Slovakia, trains pre-school, primary and secondary level teachers, as well as nurses, priests, business and public managers in its 8 faculties. The Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Education are involved in the project, in particular the Department of Aesthetics, Art Sciences and Cultural Studies (Slávka Kopčáková), the Department of Musical and Fine Art Education (Jana Hudáková) and the Department of Mathematic Education (Alena Prídavková). There are conditions for validation of developed teaching methods in the educational reality in primary and secondary schools.          




Ass. Prof. Slávka Kopčáková, PhD. is associate professor at Institute of Aesthetics and Art Culture (IAAC) at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Presov. In her research, she focuses on aesthetics of music and theoretic-methodological problems of music reception. She is the author of 4 monographs, 3 university textbooks for students of Aesthetics and more than 70 scientific studies. She is a member of the Steering Group of the EMP-M project.


Ass. Prof. Alena Prídavková, Ph.D. teaches at the Faculty of Education of the University of Presov. She is currently the head of the Department of Mathematical Education. In her research activities, she focuses on identification and education of mathematically gifted pupils, development of cognitive and executive functions of young children, education of children from socially disadvantaged background, strategy of solution of mathematical tasks, and creation of electronic courses in the undergraduate training of primary school teachers. She is a member of the Board of experts group of the EMP project.


PaedDr. Edita Šimčíková, PhD. teaches at the Faculty of Education of the University of Presov. She teaches at the Department of Mathematical Education specialising in courses for future pre-primary teachers. In her research activities, she focuses on didactics of mathematics at the preschool and primary stage of education, integration of mathematics and music, development of cognitive and executive functions of young children. She is a member of the Board of experts group of the EMP project.


PaedDr. Jana Hudáková, PhD. is assistant professor at the Department of Music at the Institute of Music and Arts at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Presov. In her research, she focuses on didactics of music, problems of choral singing and folklore. She is the author of 3 monographs, 5 university textbooks for students of music and more than 50 scientific studies. In her native country she is a member of several commissions and juries for music education. She is a member of the Board of experts of the EMP-M project.


Mgr. Jana Migašová, PhD., teaches as research assistant at the Institute of Aesthetics and Art Culture (IAAC), Faculty of Arts. Her research interests focus on Aesthetics of Fine arts and modern Slovak fine art history. She is the author of more than 25 scholarly and academic research papers and 2 textbooks. Her artistic output is dominated by graphic design of print publications, therefore her EMP-M project role is that of graphic designer.



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.