

European Music Portfolio – Maths: Sounding ways into Mathematics

…makes innovative solutions accessible for teachers in Europe.

It develops innovative and creative approaches to make the learning of mathematics (and music) more interesting, inquiry-based and engaging. This approach can have particular benefits for low achievers and students at risk.

The project aims to enhance the quality and European dimension of in-service and initial teacher training courses by introducing a tested training curriculum dealing with interdisciplinary approaches to the teaching and learning of both mathematics and music.

The project was finalized in 2017. For further collaboration please contact directly the partners listet. From Switzerland and UK we are not able to start new Erasmus+Projects – but we can participate as associated countries and we would be very pleased to support next steps foreward to a more integrated education. 

Inspired by the work on EMP-Languages and EMP-Maths and in collaboration with 18 autors we are happy to present teh following publication:

Integrated Music Education - Challenges of Teaching and Teacher Training
Markus Cslovjecsek, Madeleine Zulauf (eds.) 

Peter Lang Publishers, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2018
418 pp., 29 fig. b/w, 2 tables


  • December 2018:

    In the last months the EU Commission produced a short promotional video out of material they’ve got from the Swiss TV and mixed up the material from several projects to a funny (fake) production. I’m not just happy with it, but there was no way to influence the production from the moment they’ve had the material. 

    Here is the link:

    Thanks for keeping disseminating it and sharing with your collaborators. Of course the video can help to promote the discussion on next projects and involving experts from different fields.


  • July 2018:

Release of a new publication on Integrated Education: 

Markus Cslovjecsek, Madeleine Zulauf (eds.) (2018). Integrated Music Education - Challenges of Teaching and Teacher Training. Peter Lang Publishers, Bern.

If you have a possibility to publish a review in a journal, you can get a free review copy by geting in contact with This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • January 2018:

EMP-Maths rated as "Success-story" and "good practice exemple" by the European Commission: 


  • January 2017:

The EMP-Maths´ project has officially come to an end. We are looking back at three successful, intensive and very creative years! Please check our documents and outcomes in the Project Documents & Resources section of this website. We will continue disseminating our results and offering the EMP-Maths CPD courses in future. Stay updated by regurarly checking our course-section or by subscribing our newsletter!


  • November 2016:

Our Online Collaboration Platform is online! On the Online Platform, you can find a selection of tested interdisciplinary EMP-Maths activities. You can contribute to our project by uploading your own interdisciplinary activities.


  • March 2016:

The Teacher's Handbook (english Version) is ready! Its is aimed at Primary and secondary teachers of maths and Music, serving the practical needs arising from inter-disciplinary teaching and learning.

It also includes five best practice examples. You are very welcome to test them and send us your feedback!

Click here to download the Teacher´s Handbook.


  •  January 2016:

Our Continous Professional Development Courses are online! You are warmly invited to attend one of our three European courses and learn about new approaches to make the learning of mathematics and music more interesting, inquiry-based and engaging.

The courses will take place in London (July 2016), Barcelona (September 2016) and Athens (December 2016).

Click here for more information.


  • October 2015:

Our Literature Review is published! In the Review you will learn about our understanding of integrated music education and the theoretic background.

Also, we compared the State of the Art in different European countries and compiled a collection.

Click here to read the documents.


  • April 2015:

TV3, Televisió de Catalunya, broacasted a report on the EMP-M project!


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.